7 Tips For Refining Your Medical Coding Productivity And Efficiency

In today’s evolving market, productivity and results are the main drivers of healthcare operational and financial organizations.nnWith the rapid increase in Artificial intelligence and national language processing, it is important for coding professionals to remain competitive and equipped with the latest strategies to increase productivity and accuracy.nnWell, a question might be bugging your mind and that is “how productivity can be measured?” Productivity can be measured by how much work you can complete in a given time period.nnFor coding professionals, it is relevant to the number of procedures or evaluation and management encounters coded, records audited, providers educated and corrective action plans.nnOn the other hand, efficiency is only focused on the resources that are needed to get a specified task done and the quality of the output. When it relates to coding professionals it is measured by how much time is actually spent on the task, utilization of internal and external sources, and the technology required. nnMoreover, it is tricky for coding professionals to maintain a balance between productivity and efficiency. It seems very easy to put coding 100 encounters per day on paper but when 25 of those are rejected and denied due to coding-related errors, then the quality that is produced is pointless because here quality is compromised. nnWith efficient medical coding, you can accelerate the pace of your revenue cycle, so it is necessary to make improvements in the coders’ work environment and maximize available technology that can positively affect your practice cash flow. nnIf you identify inefficiency and backlogs in your coding department then this is the right time to improve the bottom line of your practice. So, don’t put your revenue on the table. You need to work smarter with the use of the latest technologies and efficient resources in order to maximize the productivity of your practice.nnIn this blog, we provide you some tips to refine your coding productivity and efficiency. Let’s look at them!n

Tips For Your Coding Operations

nNo matter what practice you are running, these tips for your coding operations will positively affect your revenue cycle performance. n


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    Implement Effective Strategies


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nThe first and foremost tip is to implement some effective strategies to get your things done at the right time. What you need to do is to start your day with a goal in mind. This will help you to keep your things on track. At the end of the day, you will then analyze how much you accomplished today.nnYou can also refine your coding productivity by breaking down your tasks into reasonable time increments. This step will help you in categorizing your tasks faster and more efficiently. n


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    Train Your Coders


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nMake sure that your medical coders got enough training about ICD-10 codes. Are they comfortable using a new code set? Provide them all coding related guidelines to increase the efficiency of your coding.nnIf you still find any difficulty then outsource all your coding requirements to Med-Miles LLC. Our professional coders help you to increase the efficiency and productivity of your providers by staying up-to-date on the latest coding guidelines. n


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    Limit Your Coders’ Non-Coding Tasks


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n Don’t give your coders noncoding tasks such as appointment scheduling or assisting with patient check in. These hectic tasks divert their focus on what they do the best. For this reason, you should assign all your non-coding tasks to your non-coding staff in order to avoid inefficiency.n


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    Get Training On How To Use EMR Properly


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nIf you want to avoid coding-related pitfalls and improve your revenue cycle then must train your staff with your EMR. Most often team members didn’t receive training which will lead to lost revenue. n


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    Embrace Automation To Boost Productivity and Efficiency


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nAutomate your routine tasks today to get smart work. With numerous ICD-10 diagnosis codes, it is important to use software such as PMS, EMR, or other billing systems. nnThis billing software will increase the efficiency of your coding. Instead of doing manual coding that results in claim rejections and denials, use the latest coding software to get paid faster. n


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    Use Audits To Improve Coding Accuracy


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nOne of the most important tips is to use coding audit compliance. It will bring your all quality issues in front of you that can be addressed in a timely manner. With a medical coding audit, you can improve the coding accuracy. Moreover, when you do a coding audit with a goal of professional growth, you will see the positive outcomes within your revenue cycle. n


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    Stay Up-To-Date With The Healthcare Changes


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nWith the continuous changes in the healthcare industry, it is important for your coders to stay up-to-date with the latest coding related updates in HCPCS and ICD-10 codes. Because if your coders enter the wrong code it will ruin your practice profitability. nnAre you prepared for the healthcare challenges, as well as the changes that will occur in the ICD-10 coding-all with your revenue cycle in mind?nnWe provide the above tips to transform your coding department into optimal condition. If you want efficient coding then must consider these tips.

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